Filtering by: Life As Ceremony

Samhain Sing with Heidi Wilson - Transformation Fire Edition
3:00 PM15:00

Samhain Sing with Heidi Wilson - Transformation Fire Edition

The first of (hopefully) many drum circles to gather at Rootstock, this gathering is free form and open to folks who want to drum, dance or just feel the vibrations of those drumming. We’ll gather outdoors or in the Tipi, weather depending, and you’re encouraged to bring your own drum.

RSVP is required to ensure a small group size. Circle is by donation or free.

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Transformation Fire
to Oct 31

Transformation Fire

Join us for our 2nd Annual Transformation Fire to honor the incredible, world-altering transformation that is happening on Planet Earth and here at Rootstock in this last lap around the Sun. We’ll gather in conscious community to offer gratitude for the lessons, the blessings and the mystery and sow seeds of intention for the year ahead.

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Writers Group - Transformation Fire Edition
10:00 AM10:00

Writers Group - Transformation Fire Edition

This small and affirming free writing circle gathers twice monthly. Opening with some gentle, seated Kundalini yoga for grounding and creative expansion we then offer a round of check-ins about our writing, tease out a thread from our check-ins that serves as a prompt and then free write for 15 minutes. Participants share what they wrote or another piece they’ve been working on. It’s sweet, simple, and inspiring.

RSVP is required to ensure a small group size. Circle is by donation or free.

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100 Hour Transformation Fire - Ancestral Healing & Samhain Forest Dance
3:00 PM15:00

100 Hour Transformation Fire - Ancestral Healing & Samhain Forest Dance

Fire opens to the public at 3pm daily. Ceremonies start sharp at 5pm. Please bring offerings for the fire, something to sit on and a vessel to drink from.

  • 10/28 - Men's Circle (Men only) - The men will lay the foundation for the ceremonies that follow and establish a strong and sacred container to hold our prayers & blessings.

This 4 day ceremony is free and open to the public though sliding scale donations $10 and up are welcome to support soup and the space holders.


Camping is available to people wishing to stay the night (or all four nights) for a sliding scale donation of $15 and up/night. Campers will be asked to pack out whatever they pack in with our gratitude and to leave their canine companions at home. You may also check the availability of our Air Bnb:

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