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Day 3 - Fire Ceremony with Julia Frank

  • Rootstock Retreat 1429 Beach Hill Road, Apt, Suite, Bldg. (optional) West Glover United States (map)

The Transformation Fire is our way to celebrate our existence, our growth, our accomplishments and our desire to keep unfolding. This 100 hour fire is tended by members of our community and open to the prayers, wishes, pain, blessings, hope, confusion and magic of any and all who come to sit with it. This co-created 5 day ceremony is a way to make peace with what was, to celebrate what is and to call in what we want for the year ahead.

The third night of the fire will be dedicated to ... something we don’t know yet. It will be a mystery that will unfold in due time. Trust the unfolding and come and see - and co-create - this night of ceremony.

Day 3 Fire Ceremony & Soup Supper

  • 4:00pm - 6:00pm - Fire Ceremony

  • 6:00pm - 7:00pm - Soup Supper

This ceremony is free and open to any that feel called though our capacity is limited to ~15-20 people. RSVP is required to hold the space with intention.

Donations are greatly appreciated.

Julia Frank is a healer, homesteader and women’s circle facilitator and the Mad River Valley. She has been holding space for her fellow earth dwellers for over 20 years in dark moon ,full moon and wheel of the year ceremonies. Using earth magic to heal via chanting ,drums ,rattles or sound healing, she helps us open and align with spirit. Grateful to be a channel for helping humanity create sacred space and in the service of Mother Earth.

Interested to Volunteer?

Co-Creation Crew arrives 1-2 hours before a gathering and stays 1-2 hours after to help the space holders and facilitators prepare. This is an amazing way to participate you can select that option below when you RSVP. Folks volunteering for Co-Crew will get an email confirmation with instructions on how to weave in and support.

Fire Ceremony: Mystery Unfolding
Sliding Scale Donation:
Save Your Space

Want to stay for the night?

Accommodations are limited and available for booking on Air Bnb and HipCamp. If no accommodations appear available then please plan to find yourself a nest elsewhere for the night.

COVID protocol

The world is very strange now and each of us is being called on to clarify what safety means to us. We ask that any guests attending any part of this ceremony take care not to come if they have any symptoms or were in contact with folks sick or with symptoms. Negative COVID tests are welcome and encouraged. Guests may wear masks if they choose, social distance if they choose or do neither if they choose so long as everybody respects one another’s space and choices. This gathering will be happening outside, rain or shine, with some opportunity for sheltered space.