Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

View Event →
to Mar 15


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
11:30 AM11:30


Come explore a variety of teachers and styles in Rootstock's newest offering, yoga!

Classes are held in our new 30' yurt, The Belly, and run on a sliding scale of $15 - $35 per class with a suggested investment of $25. Limited supplies are available so we suggest you bring your own mat and props and a water bottle if needed.

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Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse
1:00 PM13:00

Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse

Rootstock’s chemical-free, clothing optional, wood fired bathhouse is incredibly good medicine and it’s here for you! Sessions are 3 hours and happen on select days, check the calendar, book a spot and come!

Reservations must be made online and close 24 hours prior to each session so we can prepare the space.

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The Stone Circle - Ostara Ceremony & Potluck
4:00 PM16:00

The Stone Circle - Ostara Ceremony & Potluck

Ostara is a celebration of the Vernal Equinox, marking the literal and symbolic transition into the Season of Light. Associated with the planting of seeds and welcoming a period of growth, warmth, renewal, and expansion, it marks the beginning of the Sun’s waxing ascent to the Summer Solstice. In this ceremony we recognize and offer gratitude to the lessons of Winter’s darkness just passed, plant the seeds of our intentions into fertile soil, and formally step into the light ahead. Participants are invited to bring a drum, rattle, or other hand-held instrument (we will have plenty extra to share) to help usher in the warmth of Spring.

View Event →
to Mar 22


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon
9:00 AM09:00

The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon

This offering is for you if:

  • You want a raw and real insight into the actual lived work of a full time medicine guide.

  • You are an experienced, aspiring or new medicine guide or sitter who wants to deepen your capacity to serve and develop professionally

  • You are a licensed medical practitioner (Doctor, Therapist, Nurse, Social Worker, Etc) who is looking for deep experiential insight into the medicine space to assess if and how this might be a direction you go with your practice

  • You are an existing or aspiring Integration, Preparation, or Microdosing Coach who wants to support psychedelic healing outside of the journey space

  • You want to learn the business of Guideship from a seasoned professional with a high integrity and thriving practice

  • You want to work or serve in the medicine space and simply want a transparent and experienced guide to help you understand more about what that might be like

  • You want to host retreats or sessions in your home, on your land, or at your center and you want to better vet/verify medicine practitioners and facilitators you’re considering hosting

  • You have questions and concerns that you’d like a no nonsense radically honest perspective on

  • Your own healing journey remains central to your path and you seek to continue to grow and soften as a human and crave conscious community

  • You’re curious…

View Event →
Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse
1:00 PM13:00

Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse

Rootstock’s chemical-free, clothing optional, wood fired bathhouse is incredibly good medicine and it’s here for you! Sessions are 3 hours and happen on select days, check the calendar, book a spot and come!

Reservations must be made online and close 24 hours prior to each session so we can prepare the space.

View Event →
Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

View Event →
to Mar 29


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
11:30 AM11:30


Come explore a variety of teachers and styles in Rootstock's newest offering, yoga!

Classes are held in our new 30' yurt, The Belly, and run on a sliding scale of $15 - $35 per class with a suggested investment of $25. Limited supplies are available so we suggest you bring your own mat and props and a water bottle if needed.

View Event →
Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse
1:00 PM13:00

Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse

Rootstock’s chemical-free, clothing optional, wood fired bathhouse is incredibly good medicine and it’s here for you! Sessions are 3 hours and happen on select days, check the calendar, book a spot and come!

Reservations must be made online and close 24 hours prior to each session so we can prepare the space.

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Kin Circle
12:30 PM12:30

Kin Circle

There is a lot I can say about this but suffice to's time that those of us without ties to indigenous lifeways and intact people who never lost their integrated ability to rear children in community come together and practice. The best time to have begun this work together was seven generations ago.  The next best time is now. The Imagination Farm is a perfect place to pop-up a 'village' once a month and simply practice being together in service of families, children, and all of life.

Space will be limited initially until we get a feel for how this can work so, if you'd like to come and co-create a new kind of community space, please sign up.  We'd like to see a robust posse of kidless kin come in service and a robust posse of family units come to animate these temples with all the noise, sweetness, challenges, magic, chaos, and sticky finger prints you can muster.

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The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon
9:00 AM09:00

The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon

This offering is for you if:

  • You want a raw and real insight into the actual lived work of a full time medicine guide.

  • You are an experienced, aspiring or new medicine guide or sitter who wants to deepen your capacity to serve and develop professionally

  • You are a licensed medical practitioner (Doctor, Therapist, Nurse, Social Worker, Etc) who is looking for deep experiential insight into the medicine space to assess if and how this might be a direction you go with your practice

  • You are an existing or aspiring Integration, Preparation, or Microdosing Coach who wants to support psychedelic healing outside of the journey space

  • You want to learn the business of Guideship from a seasoned professional with a high integrity and thriving practice

  • You want to work or serve in the medicine space and simply want a transparent and experienced guide to help you understand more about what that might be like

  • You want to host retreats or sessions in your home, on your land, or at your center and you want to better vet/verify medicine practitioners and facilitators you’re considering hosting

  • You have questions and concerns that you’d like a no nonsense radically honest perspective on

  • Your own healing journey remains central to your path and you seek to continue to grow and soften as a human and crave conscious community

  • You’re curious…

View Event →
Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse
1:00 PM13:00

Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse

Rootstock’s chemical-free, clothing optional, wood fired bathhouse is incredibly good medicine and it’s here for you! Sessions are 3 hours and happen on select days, check the calendar, book a spot and come!

Reservations must be made online and close 24 hours prior to each session so we can prepare the space.

View Event →
to Apr 19


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse
1:00 PM13:00

Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse

Rootstock’s chemical-free, clothing optional, wood fired bathhouse is incredibly good medicine and it’s here for you! Sessions are 3 hours and happen on select days, check the calendar, book a spot and come!

Reservations must be made online and close 24 hours prior to each session so we can prepare the space.

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Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

View Event →
to Apr 26


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
11:30 AM11:30


Come explore a variety of teachers and styles in Rootstock's newest offering, yoga!

Classes are held in our new 30' yurt, The Belly, and run on a sliding scale of $15 - $35 per class with a suggested investment of $25. Limited supplies are available so we suggest you bring your own mat and props and a water bottle if needed.

View Event →
Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse
1:00 PM13:00

Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse

Rootstock’s chemical-free, clothing optional, wood fired bathhouse is incredibly good medicine and it’s here for you! Sessions are 3 hours and happen on select days, check the calendar, book a spot and come!

Reservations must be made online and close 24 hours prior to each session so we can prepare the space.

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Cannabis Craft - Puff, Paint, Pass
6:00 PM18:00

Cannabis Craft - Puff, Paint, Pass

Introducing Cannabis Craft….

…a new container at Rootstock where we’ll gather at the feet of our friend and ally, the cannabis plant, to commune, create, and craft!  Working with any plant or fungus ally is something that we take more seriously than anything here and Rootstock and, as we enter into a new cycle and new year, Beana wants to carefully welcome Mama Marajuana into the temple in a well-held, safe, sacred and fun way.

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The Stone Circle + Kin Circle - Beltaine Celebration!
12:30 PM12:30

The Stone Circle + Kin Circle - Beltaine Celebration!

Beltane is a celebration of fertility, community, love, merriment, and ecstatic joy. We find ourselves renewed warmth and sunshine of Spring in its full glory, and the wildness within is ready to play!

Perhaps the most recognizable of the traditional pagan holidays, Beltaine celebrates the mid-point between the Vernal Equinox and Summer Solstice.  In this ceremony we will celebrate the joy and exuberance of the season with ecstatic dance. Participants are invited to bring a drum or rattle to add to the beat as they are called. This is an opportunity to lay aside any hangups you may have around being a “dancer” and give yourself an opportunity to express yourself authentically and safely through movement.

This celebration coincides with our monthly Kin Circle and we’re looking forward to a joyous day together celebrating life!

Encouraged to arrive by 12:30pm to have time to park and land before the ceremony begins.

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Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

View Event →
to May 10


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
11:30 AM11:30


Come explore a variety of teachers and styles in Rootstock's newest offering, yoga!

Classes are held in our new 30' yurt, The Belly, and run on a sliding scale of $15 - $35 per class with a suggested investment of $25. Limited supplies are available so we suggest you bring your own mat and props and a water bottle if needed.

View Event →
Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse
1:00 PM13:00

Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse

Rootstock’s chemical-free, clothing optional, wood fired bathhouse is incredibly good medicine and it’s here for you! Sessions are 3 hours and happen on select days, check the calendar, book a spot and come!

Reservations must be made online and close 24 hours prior to each session so we can prepare the space.

View Event →
to May 17


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse
1:00 PM13:00

Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse

Rootstock’s chemical-free, clothing optional, wood fired bathhouse is incredibly good medicine and it’s here for you! Sessions are 3 hours and happen on select days, check the calendar, book a spot and come!

Reservations must be made online and close 24 hours prior to each session so we can prepare the space.

View Event →
Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

View Event →
to May 24


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon
9:00 AM09:00

The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon

This offering is for you if:

  • You want a raw and real insight into the actual lived work of a full time medicine guide.

  • You are an experienced, aspiring or new medicine guide or sitter who wants to deepen your capacity to serve and develop professionally

  • You are a licensed medical practitioner (Doctor, Therapist, Nurse, Social Worker, Etc) who is looking for deep experiential insight into the medicine space to assess if and how this might be a direction you go with your practice

  • You are an existing or aspiring Integration, Preparation, or Microdosing Coach who wants to support psychedelic healing outside of the journey space

  • You want to learn the business of Guideship from a seasoned professional with a high integrity and thriving practice

  • You want to work or serve in the medicine space and simply want a transparent and experienced guide to help you understand more about what that might be like

  • You want to host retreats or sessions in your home, on your land, or at your center and you want to better vet/verify medicine practitioners and facilitators you’re considering hosting

  • You have questions and concerns that you’d like a no nonsense radically honest perspective on

  • Your own healing journey remains central to your path and you seek to continue to grow and soften as a human and crave conscious community

  • You’re curious…

View Event →
to May 31


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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Kin Circle
12:30 PM12:30

Kin Circle

There is a lot I can say about this but suffice to's time that those of us without ties to indigenous lifeways and intact people who never lost their integrated ability to rear children in community come together and practice. The best time to have begun this work together was seven generations ago.  The next best time is now. The Imagination Farm is a perfect place to pop-up a 'village' once a month and simply practice being together in service of families, children, and all of life.

Space will be limited initially until we get a feel for how this can work so, if you'd like to come and co-create a new kind of community space, please sign up.  We'd like to see a robust posse of kidless kin come in service and a robust posse of family units come to animate these temples with all the noise, sweetness, challenges, magic, chaos, and sticky finger prints you can muster.

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Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

View Event →
to Jun 14


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

View Event →
to Jun 21


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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The Stone Circle - Summer Solstice
4:00 PM16:00

The Stone Circle - Summer Solstice

Ostara is a celebration of the Vernal Equinox, marking the literal and symbolic transition into the Season of Light. Associated with the planting of seeds and welcoming a period of growth, warmth, renewal, and expansion, it marks the beginning of the Sun’s waxing ascent to the Summer Solstice. In this ceremony we recognize and offer gratitude to the lessons of Winter’s darkness just passed, plant the seeds of our intentions into fertile soil, and formally step into the light ahead. Participants are invited to bring a drum, rattle, or other hand-held instrument (we will have plenty extra to share) to help usher in the warmth of Spring.

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The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon
6:30 PM18:30

The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon

This offering is for you if:

  • You want a raw and real insight into the actual lived work of a full time medicine guide.

  • You are an experienced, aspiring or new medicine guide or sitter who wants to deepen your capacity to serve and develop professionally

  • You are a licensed medical practitioner (Doctor, Therapist, Nurse, Social Worker, Etc) who is looking for deep experiential insight into the medicine space to assess if and how this might be a direction you go with your practice

  • You are an existing or aspiring Integration, Preparation, or Microdosing Coach who wants to support psychedelic healing outside of the journey space

  • You want to learn the business of Guideship from a seasoned professional with a high integrity and thriving practice

  • You want to work or serve in the medicine space and simply want a transparent and experienced guide to help you understand more about what that might be like

  • You want to host retreats or sessions in your home, on your land, or at your center and you want to better vet/verify medicine practitioners and facilitators you’re considering hosting

  • You have questions and concerns that you’d like a no nonsense radically honest perspective on

  • Your own healing journey remains central to your path and you seek to continue to grow and soften as a human and crave conscious community

  • You’re curious…

View Event →
to Jun 28


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

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Kin Circle
12:30 PM12:30

Kin Circle

There is a lot I can say about this but suffice to's time that those of us without ties to indigenous lifeways and intact people who never lost their integrated ability to rear children in community come together and practice. The best time to have begun this work together was seven generations ago.  The next best time is now. The Imagination Farm is a perfect place to pop-up a 'village' once a month and simply practice being together in service of families, children, and all of life.

Space will be limited initially until we get a feel for how this can work so, if you'd like to come and co-create a new kind of community space, please sign up.  We'd like to see a robust posse of kidless kin come in service and a robust posse of family units come to animate these temples with all the noise, sweetness, challenges, magic, chaos, and sticky finger prints you can muster.

View Event →
to Jul 12


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

View Event →
The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon
6:30 PM18:30

The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon

This offering is for you if:

  • You want a raw and real insight into the actual lived work of a full time medicine guide.

  • You are an experienced, aspiring or new medicine guide or sitter who wants to deepen your capacity to serve and develop professionally

  • You are a licensed medical practitioner (Doctor, Therapist, Nurse, Social Worker, Etc) who is looking for deep experiential insight into the medicine space to assess if and how this might be a direction you go with your practice

  • You are an existing or aspiring Integration, Preparation, or Microdosing Coach who wants to support psychedelic healing outside of the journey space

  • You want to learn the business of Guideship from a seasoned professional with a high integrity and thriving practice

  • You want to work or serve in the medicine space and simply want a transparent and experienced guide to help you understand more about what that might be like

  • You want to host retreats or sessions in your home, on your land, or at your center and you want to better vet/verify medicine practitioners and facilitators you’re considering hosting

  • You have questions and concerns that you’d like a no nonsense radically honest perspective on

  • Your own healing journey remains central to your path and you seek to continue to grow and soften as a human and crave conscious community

  • You’re curious…

View Event →
to Jul 26


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
to Jul 31


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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The Stone Circle + Kin Circle - LUGHNASADH CELEBRATIO!
12:30 PM12:30

The Stone Circle + Kin Circle - LUGHNASADH CELEBRATIO!

  • Lughnasadh is the traditional “first harvest” festival, celebrating the early bounty of our gardens, and the land, and the abundance of the growing season. We honor the Earth for her many gifts and offer deep gratitude for the richness of our lives and our relationship with the land. In this ceremony, the theme of gratitude will be central, through song, prayer, and celebration. We invite you to bring a small offering from your garden (or local land) to offer back to the Earth in gratitude, and a potluck dish, featuring home or locally  grown produce to share in community after the ceremony. For those who are inspired bring (or write) a short poem that may be read, honoring the gifts of the earth.

View Event →
to Aug 10


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

View Event →
to Aug 16


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon (Copy)
9:00 AM09:00

The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon (Copy)

This offering is for you if:

  • You want a raw and real insight into the actual lived work of a full time medicine guide.

  • You are an experienced, aspiring or new medicine guide or sitter who wants to deepen your capacity to serve and develop professionally

  • You are a licensed medical practitioner (Doctor, Therapist, Nurse, Social Worker, Etc) who is looking for deep experiential insight into the medicine space to assess if and how this might be a direction you go with your practice

  • You are an existing or aspiring Integration, Preparation, or Microdosing Coach who wants to support psychedelic healing outside of the journey space

  • You want to learn the business of Guideship from a seasoned professional with a high integrity and thriving practice

  • You want to work or serve in the medicine space and simply want a transparent and experienced guide to help you understand more about what that might be like

  • You want to host retreats or sessions in your home, on your land, or at your center and you want to better vet/verify medicine practitioners and facilitators you’re considering hosting

  • You have questions and concerns that you’d like a no nonsense radically honest perspective on

  • Your own healing journey remains central to your path and you seek to continue to grow and soften as a human and crave conscious community

  • You’re curious…

View Event →
to Aug 23


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

View Event →
Kin Circle
12:30 PM12:30

Kin Circle

There is a lot I can say about this but suffice to's time that those of us without ties to indigenous lifeways and intact people who never lost their integrated ability to rear children in community come together and practice. The best time to have begun this work together was seven generations ago.  The next best time is now. The Imagination Farm is a perfect place to pop-up a 'village' once a month and simply practice being together in service of families, children, and all of life.

Space will be limited initially until we get a feel for how this can work so, if you'd like to come and co-create a new kind of community space, please sign up.  We'd like to see a robust posse of kidless kin come in service and a robust posse of family units come to animate these temples with all the noise, sweetness, challenges, magic, chaos, and sticky finger prints you can muster.

View Event →
Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

View Event →
to Sep 13


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon (Copy) (Copy)
9:00 AM09:00

The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon (Copy) (Copy)

This offering is for you if:

  • You want a raw and real insight into the actual lived work of a full time medicine guide.

  • You are an experienced, aspiring or new medicine guide or sitter who wants to deepen your capacity to serve and develop professionally

  • You are a licensed medical practitioner (Doctor, Therapist, Nurse, Social Worker, Etc) who is looking for deep experiential insight into the medicine space to assess if and how this might be a direction you go with your practice

  • You are an existing or aspiring Integration, Preparation, or Microdosing Coach who wants to support psychedelic healing outside of the journey space

  • You want to learn the business of Guideship from a seasoned professional with a high integrity and thriving practice

  • You want to work or serve in the medicine space and simply want a transparent and experienced guide to help you understand more about what that might be like

  • You want to host retreats or sessions in your home, on your land, or at your center and you want to better vet/verify medicine practitioners and facilitators you’re considering hosting

  • You have questions and concerns that you’d like a no nonsense radically honest perspective on

  • Your own healing journey remains central to your path and you seek to continue to grow and soften as a human and crave conscious community

  • You’re curious…

View Event →
to Sep 20


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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The Stone Circle - Fall Equinox
4:00 PM16:00

The Stone Circle - Fall Equinox

At the Fall Equinox, we feel palpably the return of the Great Cycle, as we transition from the “light” to “dark” season. At the juncture of this great transition, is a significant energetic portal, one in which we honor the path behind, and make important choices for the direction ahead. In this ceremony we will honor the energy of conscious transition and stepping through the “portal of authenticity”. Participants are invited to bring in their hearts something in their life that requires a significant choice or transition, which we will energetically work with during the ceremony.

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Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

View Event →
to Sep 27


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
Kin Circle
12:30 PM12:30

Kin Circle

There is a lot I can say about this but suffice to's time that those of us without ties to indigenous lifeways and intact people who never lost their integrated ability to rear children in community come together and practice. The best time to have begun this work together was seven generations ago.  The next best time is now. The Imagination Farm is a perfect place to pop-up a 'village' once a month and simply practice being together in service of families, children, and all of life.

Space will be limited initially until we get a feel for how this can work so, if you'd like to come and co-create a new kind of community space, please sign up.  We'd like to see a robust posse of kidless kin come in service and a robust posse of family units come to animate these temples with all the noise, sweetness, challenges, magic, chaos, and sticky finger prints you can muster.

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Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

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to Oct 11


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon
6:30 PM18:30

The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon

This offering is for you if:

  • You want a raw and real insight into the actual lived work of a full time medicine guide.

  • You are an experienced, aspiring or new medicine guide or sitter who wants to deepen your capacity to serve and develop professionally

  • You are a licensed medical practitioner (Doctor, Therapist, Nurse, Social Worker, Etc) who is looking for deep experiential insight into the medicine space to assess if and how this might be a direction you go with your practice

  • You are an existing or aspiring Integration, Preparation, or Microdosing Coach who wants to support psychedelic healing outside of the journey space

  • You want to learn the business of Guideship from a seasoned professional with a high integrity and thriving practice

  • You want to work or serve in the medicine space and simply want a transparent and experienced guide to help you understand more about what that might be like

  • You want to host retreats or sessions in your home, on your land, or at your center and you want to better vet/verify medicine practitioners and facilitators you’re considering hosting

  • You have questions and concerns that you’d like a no nonsense radically honest perspective on

  • Your own healing journey remains central to your path and you seek to continue to grow and soften as a human and crave conscious community

  • You’re curious…

View Event →
to Oct 18


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

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Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

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Kin Circle
12:30 PM12:30

Kin Circle

There is a lot I can say about this but suffice to's time that those of us without ties to indigenous lifeways and intact people who never lost their integrated ability to rear children in community come together and practice. The best time to have begun this work together was seven generations ago.  The next best time is now. The Imagination Farm is a perfect place to pop-up a 'village' once a month and simply practice being together in service of families, children, and all of life.

Space will be limited initially until we get a feel for how this can work so, if you'd like to come and co-create a new kind of community space, please sign up.  We'd like to see a robust posse of kidless kin come in service and a robust posse of family units come to animate these temples with all the noise, sweetness, challenges, magic, chaos, and sticky finger prints you can muster.

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The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon
6:30 PM18:30

The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon

This offering is for you if:

  • You want a raw and real insight into the actual lived work of a full time medicine guide.

  • You are an experienced, aspiring or new medicine guide or sitter who wants to deepen your capacity to serve and develop professionally

  • You are a licensed medical practitioner (Doctor, Therapist, Nurse, Social Worker, Etc) who is looking for deep experiential insight into the medicine space to assess if and how this might be a direction you go with your practice

  • You are an existing or aspiring Integration, Preparation, or Microdosing Coach who wants to support psychedelic healing outside of the journey space

  • You want to learn the business of Guideship from a seasoned professional with a high integrity and thriving practice

  • You want to work or serve in the medicine space and simply want a transparent and experienced guide to help you understand more about what that might be like

  • You want to host retreats or sessions in your home, on your land, or at your center and you want to better vet/verify medicine practitioners and facilitators you’re considering hosting

  • You have questions and concerns that you’d like a no nonsense radically honest perspective on

  • Your own healing journey remains central to your path and you seek to continue to grow and soften as a human and crave conscious community

  • You’re curious…

View Event →
to Nov 15


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

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to Nov 22


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

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Kin Circle
12:30 PM12:30

Kin Circle

There is a lot I can say about this but suffice to's time that those of us without ties to indigenous lifeways and intact people who never lost their integrated ability to rear children in community come together and practice. The best time to have begun this work together was seven generations ago.  The next best time is now. The Imagination Farm is a perfect place to pop-up a 'village' once a month and simply practice being together in service of families, children, and all of life.

Space will be limited initially until we get a feel for how this can work so, if you'd like to come and co-create a new kind of community space, please sign up.  We'd like to see a robust posse of kidless kin come in service and a robust posse of family units come to animate these temples with all the noise, sweetness, challenges, magic, chaos, and sticky finger prints you can muster.

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to Dec 13


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon
9:00 AM09:00

The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon

This offering is for you if:

  • You want a raw and real insight into the actual lived work of a full time medicine guide.

  • You are an experienced, aspiring or new medicine guide or sitter who wants to deepen your capacity to serve and develop professionally

  • You are a licensed medical practitioner (Doctor, Therapist, Nurse, Social Worker, Etc) who is looking for deep experiential insight into the medicine space to assess if and how this might be a direction you go with your practice

  • You are an existing or aspiring Integration, Preparation, or Microdosing Coach who wants to support psychedelic healing outside of the journey space

  • You want to learn the business of Guideship from a seasoned professional with a high integrity and thriving practice

  • You want to work or serve in the medicine space and simply want a transparent and experienced guide to help you understand more about what that might be like

  • You want to host retreats or sessions in your home, on your land, or at your center and you want to better vet/verify medicine practitioners and facilitators you’re considering hosting

  • You have questions and concerns that you’d like a no nonsense radically honest perspective on

  • Your own healing journey remains central to your path and you seek to continue to grow and soften as a human and crave conscious community

  • You’re curious…

View Event →
Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

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to Dec 20


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

View Event →
to Jan 10


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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to Jan 24


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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Kin Circle
1:00 PM13:00

Kin Circle

There is a lot I can say about this but suffice to's time that those of us without ties to indigenous lifeways and intact people who never lost their integrated ability to rear children in community come together and practice. The best time to have begun this work together was seven generations ago.  The next best time is now. The Imagination Farm is a perfect place to pop-up a 'village' once a month and simply practice being together in service of families, children, and all of life.

Space will be limited initially until we get a feel for how this can work so, if you'd like to come and co-create a new kind of community space, please sign up.  We'd like to see a robust posse of kidless kin come in service and a robust posse of family units come to animate these temples with all the noise, sweetness, challenges, magic, chaos, and sticky finger prints you can muster.

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Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

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Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse
1:00 PM13:00

Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse

Rootstock’s chemical-free, clothing optional, wood fired bathhouse is incredibly good medicine and it’s here for you! Sessions are 3 hours and happen on select days, check the calendar, book a spot and come!

Reservations must be made online and close 24 hours prior to each session so we can prepare the space.

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to Feb 22


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon
6:30 PM18:30

The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon

This offering is for you if:

  • You want a raw and real insight into the actual lived work of a full time medicine guide.

  • You are an experienced, aspiring or new medicine guide or sitter who wants to deepen your capacity to serve and develop professionally

  • You are a licensed medical practitioner (Doctor, Therapist, Nurse, Social Worker, Etc) who is looking for deep experiential insight into the medicine space to assess if and how this might be a direction you go with your practice

  • You are an existing or aspiring Integration, Preparation, or Microdosing Coach who wants to support psychedelic healing outside of the journey space

  • You want to learn the business of Guideship from a seasoned professional with a high integrity and thriving practice

  • You want to work or serve in the medicine space and simply want a transparent and experienced guide to help you understand more about what that might be like

  • You want to host retreats or sessions in your home, on your land, or at your center and you want to better vet/verify medicine practitioners and facilitators you’re considering hosting

  • You have questions and concerns that you’d like a no nonsense radically honest perspective on

  • Your own healing journey remains central to your path and you seek to continue to grow and soften as a human and crave conscious community

  • You’re curious…

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Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse
1:00 PM13:00

Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse

Rootstock’s chemical-free, clothing optional, wood fired bathhouse is incredibly good medicine and it’s here for you! Sessions are 3 hours and happen on select days, check the calendar, book a spot and come!

Reservations must be made online and close 24 hours prior to each session so we can prepare the space.

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11:30 AM11:30


Come explore a variety of teachers and styles in Rootstock's newest offering, yoga!

Classes are held in our new 30' yurt, The Belly, and run on a sliding scale of $15 - $35 per class with a suggested investment of $25. Limited supplies are available so we suggest you bring your own mat and props and a water bottle if needed.

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to Feb 15


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

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to Feb 8


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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The Stone Circle - Imbolc Ceremony
10:00 AM10:00

The Stone Circle - Imbolc Ceremony

Imbolc is a traditional Gaelic celebration commemorating the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox. Historically associated with the agricultural “lambing season”, this celebration is often dedicated to the Goddess Brigid, and is a celebration of the stirring and awakening of the energy deep within the Earth as Spring approaches. In this ceremony we will honor many of these elements and explore what the Spring season means to us and plant seeds of intentions around what we wish to nurture within ourselves in the fertile seasons to come.

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Sacred Sound Sanctuary
6:30 PM18:30

Sacred Sound Sanctuary

Join us for a Sacred Sound Sanctuary at Beana Burns', Rootstock Retreat, in beautiful Glover VT. We will be nestled in The Belly, Rootstocks' new gathering space. Together we will journey through the gateway of the body, to the realms of the Divine, on the wings of Sound & Light.

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Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

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to Jan 25


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon
6:30 PM18:30

The Root: Open-Source Mystery School & Psychedelic Salon

This offering is for you if:

  • You want a raw and real insight into the actual lived work of a full time medicine guide.

  • You are an experienced, aspiring or new medicine guide or sitter who wants to deepen your capacity to serve and develop professionally

  • You are a licensed medical practitioner (Doctor, Therapist, Nurse, Social Worker, Etc) who is looking for deep experiential insight into the medicine space to assess if and how this might be a direction you go with your practice

  • You are an existing or aspiring Integration, Preparation, or Microdosing Coach who wants to support psychedelic healing outside of the journey space

  • You want to learn the business of Guideship from a seasoned professional with a high integrity and thriving practice

  • You want to work or serve in the medicine space and simply want a transparent and experienced guide to help you understand more about what that might be like

  • You want to host retreats or sessions in your home, on your land, or at your center and you want to better vet/verify medicine practitioners and facilitators you’re considering hosting

  • You have questions and concerns that you’d like a no nonsense radically honest perspective on

  • Your own healing journey remains central to your path and you seek to continue to grow and soften as a human and crave conscious community

  • You’re curious…

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Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse
1:00 PM13:00

Community Wood-Fired Bathhouse

Rootstock’s chemical-free, clothing optional, wood fired bathhouse is incredibly good medicine and it’s here for you! Sessions are 3 hours and happen on select days, check the calendar, book a spot and come!

Reservations must be made online and close 24 hours prior to each session so we can prepare the space.

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11:30 AM11:30


Come explore a variety of teachers and styles in Rootstock's newest offering, yoga!

Classes are held in our new 30' yurt, The Belly, and run on a sliding scale of $15 - $35 per class with a suggested investment of $25. Limited supplies are available so we suggest you bring your own mat and props and a water bottle if needed.

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to Jan 19


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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Discovery Zoom
6:00 PM18:00

Discovery Zoom

This biweekly Zoom is the best place to start a journey with Rootstock. Attendees will meet Beana and hear all about the work happening at Rootstock with a special emphasis on the Medicine Retreat, a signature healing modality offered there.

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11:30 AM11:30


Come explore a variety of teachers and styles in Rootstock's newest offering, yoga!

Classes are held in our new 30' yurt, The Belly, and run on a sliding scale of $15 - $35 per class with a suggested investment of $25. Limited supplies are available so we suggest you bring your own mat and props and a water bottle if needed.

View Event →
to Jan 12


Private retreats are a big part of how folks enjoy Rootstock. Whether our guests are here for Medicine Work, a private bathhouse, or another kind of private event, we’re focused on them and the hill is closed to visitors.

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