Lughnasadh is the traditional “first harvest” festival, celebrating the early bounty of our gardens, and the land, and the abundance of the growing season. We honor the Earth for her many gifts and offer deep gratitude for the richness of our lives and our relationship with the land. In this ceremony, the theme of gratitude will be central, through song, prayer, and celebration. We invite you to bring a small offering from your garden (or local land) to offer back to the Earth in gratitude, and a potluck dish, featuring home or locally grown produce to share in community after the ceremony. For those who are inspired bring (or write) a short poem that may be read, honoring the gifts of the earth.
This celebration coincides with our monthly Kin Circle and we’re looking forward to a joyous day together celebrating life!
Encouraged to arrive by 12:30pm to have time to park and land before the ceremony begins.