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The Magic Mask with Fearn Lickfield

  • 246 1429 Beach Hill Road West Glover United States (map)

Connecting & Crafting with Nature for Strength & Protection

As we enter the time of dark and cold, we are more likely to feel isolated. There is much in the world to activate our fear, loss, and outrage. Many are feeling depleted and deeply concerned about the future. Now is the time to build in all our support systems to get us safely and sanely through the long winter ahead.
Masks have been used ceremonially in many cultures to go beyond our limited human perception of the world, to merge with other beings, and to access wisdom, healing and power.
In this workshop we will journey to the lower world to call out for an ally who is willing and able to walk with us thru these dark times as a guardian.  This could be a creature, faery, plant or ancestor.  We will then spend time painting a mask that carries the image and energy of this being.  I will provide organic cotton (COVID style) white masks and fabric markers. 
We will activate our masks in a sacred ceremony to embody our new allies.  Our masks will become powerful magic tools. From now on, when we don our magic masks, we will be stepping into conscious connection, strength and protection.  We never walk alone.

Suggested Donation: $10.00 though don’t skip this for lack of funds. Soup Dinner included.

Let’s talk COVID for a second.

  • If you have tested positive, please don’t come. If somebody you live with or care for has tested positive, please don’t come. We’re happy to host you for a one-on-one session in either case so your deposit or payment can be put towards a future retreat.

  • If you have any flu or cold symptoms the day we’re scheduled to meet (stuffy, sneezing, coughing, fever) please don’t come. Same holds true as above where we’ll host you for a one-on-one when you’re symptoms pass.

  • If you’re able to quarantine for a week prior to joining us, that’d be ideal, if not, please be sure to maintain social distance and healthy hygiene to ensure our collective comfort and safety.

  • Though most of our time together will be spent outdoors or in the Tipi with ample space to distance, folks feeling called to wear masks are welcome to though it won’t be mandatory during the journey work. We’ll be a small ‘pod’ and can listen to and address this together during our introductions to ensure that we understand one another’s needs and tend to them.

  • If you have questions or special needs around this, please let us know