Dream building is serious business!
The Temple Builders gather in ceremony, in joy, in creative activation and in service to help build the community-supported bathhouse and sacred space that is Rootstock Retreat. With a goal of stewardship, beautification, fortification, resilience-building and honoring the land we dwell on, this gathering is a joyful opportunity to work with other beautiful humans towards a common, creative goal.
Ranging from gardening to carpentry, wood stacking to rock picking, altar building to blessing of sacred spaces on Temple Building days we will celebrate with sweat, laughter, productivity and ceremony.
Bring a water bottle and bagged lunch or potluck dish to share
Bring work gloves and any tools you find helpful
Bring any supplies or offerings you have to the project at hand
Bring teamwork, patience, laughter, skills, perspective and your creative genius
Kids are welcome to come and help, dogs are not.
Many hands make light work! The Temple Builders gather in ceremony, in joy, in creative activation and in service to help build the community-supported bathhouse and sacred space that is Rootstock Retreat.