A monthly Membership, spirit incubator, and hive mind for soul-led seekers, new paradigm entrepreneurs and builders of the new earth


It’s time to live your truth.

Whatever your calling is, your passion, your deepest love, the thing you can’t NOT do….it’s time to do it.  The world needs your medicine.  It needs your creative genius and there’s no more time to waste. You do not need to be a conventional robot. You don’t need to stick with a way of working or living that’s incongruous with your values.

Are you building a business (or wanting the courage to)?

Are you launching an offering (& not sure how to market it)?

Are you stepping into your work as a healer (& want collaborators)?

Are you building a community, healing space, or retreat ?

Join Beana Bern and a rotating hive of other conscious and creative beings for a monthly Zoom to share and generate ideas, pitch concepts or products, get compassionate feedback, get tech support and help with systems, network with potential collaborators, be held with compassion, laugh your ass off, grow or build your business, and commune with a sticky, sweet hive of conscious collaborators.

The Hive will gather monthly on Zoom for 90 minutes. Each member will have time to share their current project, ask questions , take up space, and receive the support of the Hive. Space will be held by Beana and guest hosts as they emerge.

A signal thread will also invite our collaborations to keep weaving outside of the Zoom.


Explore, experience and commune with others conscious creators. Tap into some wisdom and share some of yours on these and more topics:

Radical Self-Acceptance | Miraculous Manifestation | Technical Wizardry| Enlightened Economics | Integrated Worklife | Connection & Community | Medicine Work & Space Holding | Branding Yourself & Authentic Marketing | Systems & Processes | Conscious Communication | Activation & Implementation | Acknowledging Defeat | Celebrating Victory | Collaboration & Co-Creation



90 minutes inside this new paradigm spirit incubator will tap into ‘deep time’ and make the most of every moment.

Zooms will begin with a short grounding ritual, a check-in from all members, time to commune, buzz, reflect, share, and support one another with tangible and intangible guidance, action items, and invitations to progress and build what needs building.



The monthly Hive is designed to strengthen connection to self, Source, and a community of conscious creators to result in the tangible creation of…SOMETHING.  Something meaningful, beautiful, in service to your truth and your work in this world.


Why Beana? Why Rootstock?

  • Rootstock is magic and Rootstock makes magic. Period.

  • Beana is a brave, creative, resourced, skilled and equipped visionary to nurture you on your journey. With over 30 years experience in The Matrix marketing, strategizing, managing operations and sales and 2 years now holding a 5D, New Paradigm business she’s doing IT and can help you do IT too. She’s done serving The Man and is now in service to her own creative destiny which is dedicated to cultivating the sacred place that is Rootstock Retreat and to the awakening and activation of other humans creative fire!

  • The complexity of weaving concept, place and people into a safe and sturdy container is an art form and a new paradigm business. Access to Rootstock as a laboratory, classroom, venue and blank canvas for you to co-create with is a BFD.

  • Selling ‘healing,’ ‘transformation,’ and ‘experience’ as a commodity requires deep integrity and creativity to value the exchange since healing and co-creation are always symbiotic. Retaining humility, prioritizing a win-win-win-win-win-win business model and valuing your own fulfillment and healing in the process is essential to truly high vibrational medicine and something born of practice.

  • 1 Zoom Sessions/month normally costs $65 and in this container you’ll get direct coaching from Beana and an assortment of other gifted creators.

$55/month (A Dip in the Hive)

$150/season (A season of Hive)

$555/year (A sticky, sweet year to Hive)

This is an intensive container that’s dedicated to helping our community of conscious creators summon the courage they need to step into their truth. Folks that are dedicated to their own evolution and longing for support and community and reflection in the process are likely to be nourished by this offering.  Sessions will be held via Zoom.  

Each monthly Hive is limited to 10 destined and determined creators so we’ll close the container if 10 folks opt in for the year and navigate the weaving if folks choose, instead, to come and go.



A lot of failure contributed to beana’s stability, success, creativity, and Genius. A lot of rejection laid the foundation for her radical self-acceptance. A lot of judgement, criticism and opinions forged her opinion of her own self-worth. her service to the visions of the men in her past helped to deliver her her soverEignty.

Beana arrived to this vista, 2,250’ above West GLover, road-worn and wiser. She created a reality for herself where she could be her big, wild, full, flawed and growing self with no need to apologize or shrink.

Beana’s work in not only in service to her own healing but that of many others and the earth herself. Many hundreds of seekers move through her practice and imagination farm yearly seeking wholeness, inspiration, and healing and its her PRIVILEGE to stay innovative in caring for them.

And It’s her delight to hold space for you now too in this new paradigm spirit incubator!

Want to hone some of your skills here at Rootstock? Check out our Rootstock Residencies and see if that rings your bell!