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Sacred Ceremony with Mayan Spiritual Guide Nana Wilma

  • Rootstock 1429 Beach Hill Road Glover, VT, 05875 United States (map)

Mayan Spiritual Guide and Elder, Nana Wilma will be returning from Guatemala to Rootstock this summer to share the medicine, wisdom, and knowledge from her people. ​She will offer fire ceremonies, personal healing sessions, and an elemental healing retreat where we will honor Earth, Water, Air, and Fire and go deeper into some of her teachings.

Nana is a bridge builder, fire tender, wisdom keeper, and a humorous and loving spiritual guide. She has been traveling to share her medicine and her teachings for over 30 years and this will be her fourth visit to Rootstock.

We have a full schedule of offerings with Nana Wilma and invite you to come for some of all of them. Please register for those gatherings that you’d like to attend separately:

Monday, July 31

Individual Healing Sessions with Nana Wilma (Book a session)

Fire Ceremony (RSVP)

Tuesday, August 1

Elemental Retreat (RSVP)

Wednesday, August 2

Elemental Retreat

Individual Healing Sessions (Book a session)

Thursday, August 3

Sunrise Fire Ceremony (RSVP)

Personal Healing Sessions (Book a session)

Fire Ceremony with Nana Wilma

Nana Wilma brings Sacred Fire Ceremonies so that we can develop a respectful and loving relationship with the elements.  Fire Ceremonies are a way of connecting with and celebrating life, our ancestors, and our hopes and dreams.

The Mayan Aj Q'ij uses their knowledge of the matrix of life to coordinate their prayers and offerings to work with the energies present in that moment in time. They are trained to read the fire and gain wisdom for healing and answers to prayers. The more offerings that can be given for the fire brings more blessings for ourselves, our families, the earth, and all our relations.

The Mayan Fire Ceremony is a way used by trained Mayan Aj Q'ij (daykeepers/ spiritual leaders) of creating a vortex of energy that can be used as a portal into the Spirit world, where we can receive healings and offer prayers. The Mayan fire ceremonies use limited wood. With prayers, a mandala is created out of dried herbs, candles, and other natural materials, as well as incenses.

Space is limited to 20 participants.

Suggested donation of $35/person, though nobody will be turned away for lack of funds.

Elemental Retreat with Nana Wilma

Deepen into ceremony with Nana Wilma and immerse into a full day of Mayan Aj Q'ij teachings on the elements. We will learn traditional teachings and rituals to connect with and honor the Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether both within us and without. This unique offering will animate all of the temple spaces at Rootstock with ceremony - The Dragon Rock (Earth), The Wheel of Time (Air), The Tipi Temple (Fire) and the Oasis (Water) - and provide a spacious and intimate container to come deeper into relationship with both Nana and her teachings.

Sample Schedule (subject to change)

Tuesday, July 1st

  • 10:00-11:30am - Grounding & Introductions

  • 12:00-1:00pm - Lunch

  • 1:15pm-3:00pm - Earth Ceremony & Teachings

  • 3:00-3:30pm - Break

  • 3:30pm-5:00pm - Air Ceremony & Teachings

  • 5:15pm-6:30pm - Dinner

  • 7:00pm-9:00pm - Fire Ceremony & Teachings

Wednesday, July 2nd

  • 8:00-9:00am Breakfast

  • 9:30am-11:00am - Water Ceremony & Teachings

  • 11:00-12:00pm - Wood-fired Bathhouse & Integration

  • 12:30pm - Guess Departure or private healing sessions with Nana Wilma

Space is limited to 10 people

Suggested donation of $333/person, though nobody will be turned away for lack of funds.

Campsites are included in the cost of the retreat and limited upgrades may be available for folks wanting a private cabin. Guests will provide their own food for the retreat and will have access to refrigeration and Rootstock’s outdoor kitchen for preparation & clean-up.

Personal Healing Sessions with Nana Wilma

While Nana Wilma is here she will offer personal sessions. She uses a traditional Mayan oracle that involves patterns and numbers to help gain answers and guidance for personal issues, difficult situations, important choices, or to gain more understanding of your spiritual path. Nana also uses the Mayan Tree of Life, which is based on your birthday in the Mayan Calendar, which is an intricate system of time and cosmology that can be insightful and illuminating. 

A session lasts about one hour and includes a translator to help you interpret the messages. In the spirit of reciprocity, we do exchange money and gifts as a way to say thank you to Nana and to send her home with resources to care for herself, her family, and her community.

We suggest a sliding scale of $100-$300/session, which goes directly to Nana.  We welcome generosity, and if you are able to give more than what is asked, it enables folks to have a reading that may not have the funds to give in exchange. 

Rootstock is so honored and grateful to be welcoming Nana Wilma home to the hill and, for those of you wanting to come and support her residency here, we welcome support with cooking/cleaning up, and general support. If you’re feeling called to serve, get in touch and we can connect about ways to help make that possible.

Earlier Event: July 28